Tara Kelley-Cruz
Tara Kelley-Cruz’s work relies heavily on form, texture, color, and playfulness. As she explores her medium, her work takes on the mood of the artist as she navigates the world and reacts to it with paint and collage. Kelley-Cruz uses saturated and unsaturated color as well as composition and line-work to communicate the feelings of emerging from hibernation, wonder, irreverence, and joyful exploration. Kelley-Cruz believes whole-heartedly in experimentation as a form of discovery in her artwork and in her life. Kelley-Cruz’s painting practice relies on her discernment in responding to the painted surface to ultimately create something unique and very personal to her.
Tara lives and works in Colorado Springs. When not painting, she works remotely with young adults in West Africa, helping them gain an online degree. She enjoys going on bike rides with her husband, and she has two adult sons and loves spending time with them.